5. Use of Telecoms

5. Use of Telecoms

Fixed landline and mobile phone services are provided in liaison with Key’s ICT staff.  This allows for compliance with centrally negotiated contracts and Key’s policies on procurement.

Changes to existing services or securing new services should be done via Key’s ICT staff.

Fixed line and mobile phone handsets - Key's ICT staff will supply fixed line and mobile phone handsets appropriate to business needs and contract provisions.  If a handset is damaged, it should be reported to ICT staff straight away.

Employees must never transfer a SIM to another handset except upon the instruction of ICT staff.  Users must not change or remove any PIN set on the device by ICT staff.

Pay As You Go (PAYG) mobile contracts - This type of mobile contract does not comply with Key’s financial audit requirements and must never be used.

Smart phones and Internet enabled devices owned by employees - Devices owned by employees may be configured by ICT staff to connect to wireless networks operated by Key to facilitate email services when a business convenience has been demonstrated. Where Key’s email is accessed in this manner, users must agree to use an access PIN on their device and permit Key to remote wipe the device should it become compromised.

Internet enabled devices owned by employees should never be connected to wireless or wired networks belonging to the people Key support.

Smart phones and Internet enabled devices owned by people Key support - Devices owned by people we provide support to should never be connected to wireless or wired networks operated by Key.  The only exception to this rule is within short stay services where additionally an individual undertaking has been entered in to as part of the short stay contract.