KEY Process Map

KEY Process Map

KEY - Process Map

Task 1 

Rota development: 4-week rota for coming pay period is developed/applied using Evolve.

When: Week 4 (Pre period Task)

Responsibility: Team Managers/ASDMs (the “rota managers”)

Comments: ASDMs and TMs will work to identify support patterns to enable the development of 4-week rotas.

Task 2

Rota distribution: 4-week rota for the coming period is distributed to teams, supported persons and support staff.

An ‘as distributed’ copy is saved to each teams ~Deployment folder with the naming convention YYMMDD ‘Team Name’ Distributed, eg 170620 Kinnel Distributed.

When: Week 4 (Pre period Task)

Responsibility: Rota managers

Comments: Evolve can create and export rotas electronically that can be sent to a personal email address for workers.

Task 3

Upload of changes to Evolve: Rota managers enter changes to support, log sick leave etc.

An ‘as worked’ copy is saved to each teams ~Deployment folder with the naming convention YYMMDD ‘Team Name’ Worked, eg 170627 Kinnel Worked.

When: Week 2, 3, 4

Responsibility: Rota managers

Comments: At least weekly - preferably by the close of business each Monday. Ideally, rota managers should attend to changes as and when they occur.

Task 4

Prior week rota confirmation: Rota managers review as worked rota and confirm shifts. Confirmation of rota activities is a financial control requirement. It is the rota manager’s approval that support staff can be paid and that support has been delivered

When: Week 2, 3, 4

Responsibility: Rota managers

Comments: Rota managers should proactively review rota contents prior to confirmation.

If a rota manager is on leave, arrangements should be in place for colleagues to cover their Evolve responsibilities.

Task 5 

Upload of final rota changes to Evolve: Rota managers enter final day changes to support, log sick leave etc.

When: Week 1 (Post Period Tasks)

Responsibility: Rota managers

Comments: Rota managers MUST complete this by lunchtime on the Monday following period end.

Task 6 

Payroll process begins: From 12:00 pm on, the Evolve support team perform consistency checks on the payroll information to prepare for closing the period.

When: Week 1 (Post Period Tasks)

Responsibility: Evolve support team

Task 7 

Period closes: At midday on Monday, the period is locked for payroll preparation.

When: Week 1 (Post Period Tasks)

Responsibility: Evolve support team

Comments: No further changes can be made to information submitted for payroll. Any changes to rota activities must be made via the salary adjustment process. If the form is submitted prior to 12:00pm, Wednesday of week 1 the adjustment can be included in the upcoming pay

Task 8

Payroll is run: Evolve generates the payroll report and passes this to the Pegasus payroll software. This software transfers salary payments and generates payslips.

When: Week 1 (Post Period Tasks)

Responsibility: Evolve support team / finance staff

Comments: Finance staff are no longer able to make manual salary adjustments. Any changes to rota activities must be made via the salary adjustment process