Best Practice for using Evolve

Best Practice for using Evolve

Evolve – Slowdowns and what you can do to help prevent this happening.

  1. Keep Rota’s up to Date on Evolve.

By keeping your Rota’s up to date with changes on at least a weekly basis. You will have less to do coming up to period close. With everyone making changes at the same time, the system does slow down a little anyway. Spreading out those changes and updating them as you go will take some of this pressure off the system.

  1. Log out of Evolve.

When you are finished using Evolve, please try and use the logout button before closing your browser. There are a lot of users with multiple sessions listed on Evolve, this has been identified as a potential contributor to slowdowns.

  1. Only have one Rota open at a time.

We appreciate you can open several Rota’s at a time in separate tabs, and when you are managing multiple teams, it really helps. However, the more tabs you have open the more resource is being used up by your computer. It’s also worth considering how many other items you have open on your browser, as this can also affect the performance of your connection with Evolve.  

  1. A smaller Rota is better.

Evolve runs much better with smaller Rota’s. Where you can remove resources that are not needed regularly or split up into smaller teams if possible. A small team around an individual or a small number of individuals is also in line with the organisation’s operational values and principles.

  1. Apply plans one week at a time.

If it is necessary to have a larger Rota, then please do not apply a plan to 4 weeks at a time. This is also known to slow things down for you.

  1. Do not use Patterns.

Plans are the recommended way to create a template of your shifts. Patterns have several issues that mean we do not recommend their use.

It’s simple enough to change a pattern to a plan, details can be found here.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch