Files and Storage: File Explorer

Files and Storage: File Explorer

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What is File Explorer?

Example of a windows explorer window!File Explorer, also referred to as Explorer or Windows Explorer is used to navigate and order your files, folders and subfolder.

How do I open the file explorer?

Method 1:

  1. File Explorer in taskbarClick the icon in the taskbar if one exists.

Method 2:

  1. Start menu, documents icon highlightedClick ‘Start’.
  2. Click ‘Documents’.

This starts explorer and takes you directly to the documents folder. This folder should of course be empty as everything should be stored on the server!

What do folders look like?

Example of a folderA typical folder will be displayed as a yellow icon.

  1. Double click a folder icon to show the contents inside.

What do files look like?

File icons vary depending on the file type. Example of file iconsExamples of 3 common types (Word, Excel and Adobe PDF) are shown opposite.

  1. Double click the file icon to open the file.

How do you view the ribbon?

The ribbon in File Explorer is hidden by default.

  1. File Explorer "view" ribbonClick one of the menu items along the top of the screen.

How do I keep the ribbon on view?

  1. ribbon pin in explorer barClick one of the menu items.
  2. Click the pin at the right-hand side.