Teams App - Getting Started

Teams App - Getting Started

How much data does a ‘Teams meeting’ use?

Microsoft provide data usage in “general terms”.  To help this data make more sense we’ve done some calculations for you.  The mobile data provided for the majority of staff is 1GB per month on the Vodafone network.  Source: Microsoft Docs

Type of use

Time 1 GB is used

One-to-one audio calling 72h 21m
One-to-one audio calling and screen sharing 16h 42m
One-to-one quality video calling 360p at 30fps 4h 20m
One-to-one HD quality video calling with resolution of HD 720p at 30fps 1h 46m
One-to-one HD quality video calling with resolution of HD 1080p at 30fps 1h 25m
Group Video calling with 4 participants 1h 05m
HD Group video calling with 4 participants 32m

Can I use a data connection with the Teams app?

Where possible, it is best to use a WiFi connection when joining meetings in Teams.  As you can see from the data above, video calls can use a lot of data.  The majority of Key/Lifestyles phone contracts have 1GB of data per month.  

How can I save data?

  • Use a WiFi connection rather than mobile data.
  • Turn off incoming video.
  • If you are in a meeting where someone is sharing their screen, ask everyone to turn off their cameras for that part of the meeting.

How do I install the ‘Teams’ app?

Teams app on the home screen on a Key/Lifestyles mobile phoneOn Key and Lifestyles provided phones the ‘Teams’ app should be pre-installed.

How do I open the Teams app?

  1. If an icon is not displayed on the home screen. Swipe from the bottom of the screen up to view the full list of apps.
  2. Teams app in full list of apps on mobile phoneClick on the ‘Teams’ icon to open it.