VDI Passwords

VDI Passwords

What password do I use for the VDI?

Support Workers:

Due to licence restrictions set by Microsoft you are unable to log into the VDI using your credentials.

Admin Staff and above:

The username is usually firstname.lastname and your own personal password. The only exceptions to this may be where 2 staff have the same name.

For security Multi-Factor Authentication is required for access to the VDI. See the MFA section for more information on setup and usage.

Why is my account locked?

If you type in your password wrong 10 times the server will automatically lock your account. This prevents brute force attacks, where computers try thousands of password combinations until it finds one that works. Your account will automatically unlock after 10 minutes. DO NOT retry your password again during this time or it will lock for a further 10 minutes.

Remember, the server will only lock your account if you type the wrong password. It won’t lock it out if you type it correctly!

If you have your email account on another device remember to change it on that device too. If you fail to do this the device will continue to try with your old credentials, locking your account after 10 attempts.

What if I forget my VDI password?

All VDI users have access to reset their own password and unlock their account.

To maintain server security, passwords should NEVER written down and left on or near the computers or pinned to walls/noticeboards. They should also never be written down next to the username for the account.