Personal Hotspot

Personal Hotspot

Tethering should only be used when a broadband internet connection is unavailable and only for BUSINESS use. You may be held accountable for any non-work data use on your phone. You need to have a WiFi enabled PC/laptop.

How do I setup my phone as a WiFi hotspot?

  1. Settings app on iPhoneOpen the ‘Settings’ App.
  2. Personal Hotspot option in settingsClick ‘Personal Hotspot’.
  3. Allow others to join switched on in personal hotspotSwitch on the ‘Allow Others to Join’ option.
  4. Remember to switch tethering off when finished to prevent incurring further, accidental data charges.

What is the hotspot name and password?

  1. Follow steps 1&2 above.
  2. Displaying the wifi password in personal hotspotClick ‘WiFi Password’.

HotSpot password displayedThe WiFi Password will be displayed, this will be a random mix of letters and numbers. Its good practice NOT to change this.

How do I connect a PC to my phone?

On your laptop:

  1. Showing WiFi networks on PCClick the network icon.
  2. Locate and click on the network name of your phone in the list of wireless networks.
  3. Enter WiFi password displayed on phone into boxType in the WiFi password displayed on your phone.
  4. Click ‘Next’.

How do I disconnect a PC from my phone?

Always disconnect from the hotspot and switch it off when you are finished using it to prevent further data charges.

Hotspot connected on iPhone

When you are using your phone as a hotspot it will show a green bar along the top of the screen.

Method 1: Phone

  1. Switch off the personal hotspot.

Method 2: PC

  1. Network icon on the PCClick the network icon.
  2. Disconnect from hotspot buttonClick the ‘Disconnect’ button.