Booking Rooms

Booking Rooms

How do I book a room?

Some meeting rooms are set up as resources and can be booked through Outlook. To book a room invite it to a meeting. If the room is free at the required time it will automatically accept the request. It’s best practice to check the room availability first!

How do I use the ‘Room Finder’?

When adding rooms to a meeting you can use the ‘Room Finder’ option to check the availability.

With the appointment window open:

  1. Room finder optionClick the ‘Room Finder’ button.

room finder panelThe panel will indicate the likely availability of the room(s) and attendees for each day. Rating each day good, fair or poor.

  1. Click on a day to see 1/2 hourly breakdowns at the bottom of the panel. Use the scroll bars to scroll through the time intervals.