Nested Calculations

Nested Calculations

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What are the ‘rules of precedence’?

If you wish to perform more than one calculation at a time then you will need to know about the ‘rules of precedence’. In Excel (and maths!) these rules state that operations are performed in a set order.

What order are the rules performed?

Excel completes formulae in the following order:

() Anything within brackets is calculated first.
^ Any exponentials are calculated next. Eg 2 to the power 3 (2*2*2).
* / Multiplications and divisions are completed next from left to right as they occur in the formula.
+- Lastly additions and subtractions are completed again completed from left to right as they occur.



You might expect the answer to be 6 (6+12=18, 18/3=6)

However, in Excel the result would be 10.  Why?

The rules state that the division is completed first, then addition.  Therefore:

