How do I add bullet or numbered points?
Method One: Add a bullet list to text already typed:
- In the ‘Home’ ribbon select the relevant text.
- Click the ‘Bullets’ or ‘Numbering’ button.
Method Two: Add a bullet list to new text:
- In the ‘Home’ ribbon click the ‘Bullets’ or ‘Numbering’ button in the toolbar.
- Type your text.
- Press <Return> key to be taken to a new line with a bullet point at the beginning.
- When you reach the end of the list press the <return> key twice to remove the last bullet point.
Click return once and click the bullet button in the toolbar.
How do I remove bullet points?
- Click within the paragraph or select the paragraphs that no longer require the bullet or number.
- In the ‘Home’ ribbon click the ‘Bullets’ or ‘Numbering’ button to turn the option back off.
How do I change the bullet style?
- Click within the paragraph or select the paragraphs that contain the bullet or numbering you wish to alter.
- In the ‘Home’ ribbon click the ‘Bullets’ or ‘Numbering’ drop down menu button.
- Click one of the styles to select it.
How do I separate a bullet list?
Bullet points are grouped into sets. Changing one bullet points will change all points in the set. To prevent this from happening you need to separate your list
- Right click at the point you wish your list to be separated.
- Click ‘Separate List’.
You can now format each set of bullets independently of each other.
How do I restart the numbering of my bullets?
- Right click at the point you wish to restart the numbering.
- Choose ‘Restart at 1’.
How do I continue numbering from a previous list?
- Right click at the point you wish to continue the numbering from a previous list.
- Choose ‘Continue numbering’.