What is a desktop shortcut?
Saving files on your desktop and documents prevents access by others should it be needed.
If you require quick access to frequently used files then you should save the file, appropriately, on the server and create a ‘shortcut’ to those files. A shortcut is basically a link back to the original file or folder stored on the server. These are usually created on your desktop.
What does a shortcut icon look like?
The icon for a shortcut looks the same as a normal icon but will have a small arrow in the bottom left corner.
If it has not been renamed it, the file name will also contain the word ‘Shortcut’.
How do I create a desktop shortcut?
- Locate the file/folder you wish to create the shortcut for.
Right click on the file/folder.
- Click ‘Copy’.
- Minimise or close this window to show your desktop.
Right click.
- Click ‘Paste Shortcut’.
DO NOT CLICK THE 'PASTE' BUTTON as this will result in a copy of the folder being created.
If you do not have the arrow in the bottom left of the folder/file icon you have copied the folder not created a shortcut to it. Delete this and start the process again!!