Address Bar

Address Bar

What is the Address Bar?

Address bar in Windows 11This is found at the top of the window and displays the folder path.

How do I use the Address Bar?

  1. Click any of the folder names in the path to go directly to that folder.


  1. Click on arrow at side of folder nameClick the arrow at one of the folders.
  2. Select subfolder to viewChoose one of the subfolders listed.


  1. address bar - back button and up one level button highlightedClick the ‘Back’ button to return to the previous folder.
  2. Click the ‘Up one level’ folder to take you, as the name suggests, up one folder level. In this example, the ‘Icons’ folder is on display. Clicking this button will take you to the ‘Logos and Graphics’ folder.

How do I copy the file path?

If you are wanting to inform someone where a file is located it is much easier using the Address Bar to copy the folder path than it is to type it manually. It also prevents errors in spelling etc from occurring.

  1. Right click - copy file path selectedClick at the end of the address bar, at the right hand side of the text.
  2. The filepath will be highlighted in blue.
  3. Press <CTRL>+<C> OR
  4. Right click and choose ‘Copy’.
  5. The filepath is copied to your clipboard and can then be pasted into a document, email etc.