How do I view my speed dials?
Click the ‘Calls’ tab.
The right hand of the screen (if the Teams window is displayed large enough) will display your speed dials, if you have any.
How do I use a speed dial?
- Position your cursor over the speed dial contact to display a menu.
Click the ‘camera’ or ‘phone’ icons to make a teams call. Click the drop down menu to display a list of any phone number associated with that contact.
- Click the appropriate number to dial it.
How do I add a speed dial?
In the ‘Speed dials’ section of the ‘Calls’ tab, click the menu button at the right hand side. (You may have to position your cursor in the ‘Speed Dial’ area of the screen to display the menu option.)
- Click ‘Add contact to this group’.
Type the name of the contact to add to speed dials.
- Click on their name when it is shown in the list.
How do I remove a speed dial?
Click the menu button (the three dots) at the right hand side of the speed dial to be removed.
- Click ‘Remove’.