How do I create a new task?
- Click ‘Tasks’ in the Navigation Bar.
- Click ‘New Task’ in the toolbar.
The ‘Untitled - Task’ window will be displayed.
Enter a subject for your task in the ‘Subject’ area.
- If the task has a start date or is due to be completed by a certain date alter the ‘Start’ and ‘Due’ date boxes to reflect this.
- The ‘Status’ section can be set to reflect the current status of the task ‘Not Started’, ‘Waiting on someone else’ etc.
- Set the priority by using the drop down menu. (Low, High, Normal).
- If you wish a reminder to pop-up near the due date, tick the ‘Reminder’ box and enter the date and time you want the reminder set.
- In the blank section of at the bottom of the window enter any notes or information relating to the task.
- When you have entered all the relevant details click the ‘Save and Close’ button.
How do I create a task from an email?
If you want to remember to complete a task related to an email you can use the ‘For Follow Up’ flag option.
The email will be listed in your tasks list, but you will be unable to add any further information. To create a task from an email which will allow details to be added:
- Locate the email you wish to create a task from.
Click on it and holding the mouse button down, drag it over ‘Tasks’ in the ‘Navigation Pane’.
- Release the mouse button.
A new task will be created. The subject of the email will be used as the subject of the task.
- Amend this if necessary.
- The contents of the email will be put in the ‘Notes’ field. Delete/amend as necessary.
- Amend other details as normal.
- Click ‘Save and Close’.
How do I create a recurring task?
- Create the task as normal.
Click the ‘Recurrence’ button.
The ‘Task Recurrence’ dialogue box will be displayed.Use the check boxes and option buttons to select a pattern for the recurrence and range.
- Click ‘OK’.
- Click ‘Save and Close’.