The Global Address book contains email addresses of all Key/Lifestyles accounts but you can create your own list of contacts.
If you have a Key/Lifestyles mobile phone you will find your phone contacts sync with your Outlook contacts. Amend a contact on either your phone or in Outlook to keep them both up to date.
- If you save only an email and name for a contact it will not be listed on your phones contact list when texting.
- If you save only name and phone number it will not show up when composing an email.
As already mentioned in the email section, you should not rely on the ‘AutoComplete’ function for remembering non Key/Lifestyles addresses. Save important, frequently used contacts in your personal contacts list.
How do I view my contacts?
Click ‘People’ in the Navigation Bar.
Your contacts will be listed in the right hand pane. Distribution lists are indicated with the icon shown opposite.
How do I change the way my contacts are listed on screen?
- Click ‘People’ in the Navigation Bar.
Use the ‘Current View’ section to choose an appropriate view.