What is the number next to my folder name?
The number of unread messages in a folder are indicated at the right hand side of the folder name. Unread messages in a folder are displayed in bold text.
What do the icons mean next to my messages?
Forwarded the message
Replied to the message
How do I read a message?
Click the ‘Mail’ button in the Navigation Bar.
- Double click the message you wish to read.
- Use the ‘Previous’ and ‘Next’ buttons in the ‘Quick Access Toolbar’ to move through your messages.
How do I delete an email?
- Click the ‘Mail’ button in the Navigation Bar.
- Click once on the message you wish to delete.
Click the ‘Delete’ button in the toolbar.
Press the <Delete> key on the keyboard.
How do I mark a message as unread?
After opening or viewing a message its state will change to ‘read’. You can however, change its state back to ‘Unread’.
- Click the message to select it.
Click the unread/read button.
How do I view only unread messages?
Method One: Unread messages in current folder
- Click the ‘Mail’ button in the Navigation Bar.
Click ‘Unread’ under the Ribbon bar.
Unread messages in your current folder will be displayed. Click ‘All’ to show all your messages again.
Method Two: ALL unread messages
- Click the ‘Mail’ button in the Navigation Bar.
- Click the arrow to expand your search folders.
Click ‘Unread Mail’.
Unread messages in ALL folders will be displayed. Click one of your mail folders to return to your mail.
How do I move a message to another folder?
- Click the ‘Mail’ button in the Navigation Bar.
- Ensure you can see the destination folder.
- Click the message to be moved.
Holding down the left mouse button, drag the message to the destination folder. This will be highlighted in blue and a square will be displayed under the cursor.
- Release the mouse button.
How do I visit a web site listed in an email?
- Click ONCE on the web address in your email.
Before clicking on a link in an email or opening a file, THINK:
- Are you sure the email is legitimate?
- Is the sender known to you?
- Are you expecting the email?
- Does it contain grammar, spelling errors which you would not normally expect from that person?
If you click a link and nothing seems to have happened, close your VDI session or PC down and contact the ICT Helpdesk for advice.
How do I show older emails?
By default your last 30 days mail are downloaded to your mailbox. To show older items:
- Scroll to the bottom of your mail folder.
Click the ‘Click here to view more on Microsoft Exchange’ option.
If you have permissions to another users mail folder only the last 3 months mail can be viewed in outlook. Use Outlook Web Access to see older mail.