How do I reply to an email?
You have two options when replying to emails:
- Reply - send a reply to the original sender of the email.
- Reply to All - send a reply to all who received the original message. If your original message was sent to a distribution list ALL original recipients will get your reply. Be careful when using this option and use only if necessary.
- Open or select the message you wish to reply to.
Click either ‘Reply’ or ‘Reply to All’ in the toolbar.The ‘Message’ window will be displayed.
The ‘To:’ and ‘CC:’ fields will be automatically completed using addresses from the original email.
- The subject line will contain the original subject title prefixed by ‘RE:’. It is best practice not to amend this subject.
- The original message will be copied into the main body text area of the email together with the mail headers (the original subject line, who the mail was sent to/from and the date is was sent.) A line should separate your reply from the original message.
- Type your reply in the main text box above the line and send the email as normal.
How do I forward an email?
- Open the message you wish to forward.
Click the ‘Forward’ button in the toolbar.
The message window will be displayed.The original subject line of your email will be displayed with the prefix ‘FW:’. Its best practice not to change this subject.
- The ‘To:’ and ‘Cc:’ fields will be blank.
- The original message will be copied into the main body text area of the email together with the mail headers; the original subject line, who the mail was sent to/from and the date is was sent. A line should separate your reply from the original message.
- Complete the address(es) of the recipients of your email.
- Type your reply in the main text box above the line.
- Send the email as normal.