What are message flags?
Message flags can be used to highlight messages which you need to follow up at a later date. Reminders can be set to display a prompt nearer the time. Messages can be flagged for follow up Today, Tomorrow, This Week, Next Week, No Date or Custom Date. A ‘task’ entry is created for each message you flag for follow up.
How do I flag an email for follow up?
Method One:
- Locate the message you wish to flag for follow up.
- Click once on the flag icon at the right hand side of the message list.
- This sets the flag to ‘Follow Up Today’.
Method Two:
Locate the message you wish to flag for follow up.
- Right click on the flag icon to display the list of flag options.
- Click one of the date options.
How do I view only flagged messages?
- Ensure your mail folders are on view.
Click ‘Search Folders’.
- Click ‘For Follow Up’.
How do I change the ‘Flag’ to ‘Complete’?
Click the flag.
A tick will indicate the task has been completed.
How do I change the default flag?
When you flag a message the default option is ‘Follow Up Today’. Follow the instructions below to change this option.
Right click on the flag icon at the right hand side of the message.
Click ‘Set Quick Click’.
The ‘Set Quick Click’ dialogue box will be displayed.- Choose one of the options from the drop down menu.
- Click ‘OK’.
How do I set a reminder for my flag?
- Right click on the flag.
Click ‘Add Reminder....’.
The ‘Custom’ dialogue box will be displayed.Ensure the ‘Reminder’ box is ticked.
- Use the drop down menu to select the dates and time for the reminder if required.
- Click ‘OK’.
How do I cancel a reminder?
- Right click on the flag.
- Click ‘Add Reminder....’.
The ‘Custom’ dialogue box will be displayed. - Untick the ‘Reminder’ option.
- Cick ‘OK’.
How do I amend a reminder flag?
- Right click on the flag.
- Click ‘Add Reminder....’.
- Amend the reminder as appropriate.
- Click ‘OK’.
How do I clear a flag?
Right click on the flag.
- Click ‘Clear Flag’.