What is an email signature?
A signature is piece of text added to the bottom of an email usually containing contact information about the author of the message.
A standard signature usually contains your name, address and phone number(s). Remember your email address will normally appear in the ‘From...’ field of your message so there is no need to include this in your signature.
What is ‘Exclaimer’?
Exclaimer is the software that produces your email signature from the details in your ‘Active Directory’ account. If you notice any of these are incorrect contact the ICT Helpdesk to have this amended.
How do I enable my email signature?
On first log in to the VDI, you should be presented with the Exclaimer login box.
Click ‘Sign in now’.
- Enter your email address and password.
Click ‘Close’.
You should only need to do this process once. However, you may have to log in again if you change your password. It can take upto 24 hours after logging in for your signature to be created in Outlook.
How do I use my signature?
- Create a new email.
Click the ‘Signatures’ button.
- Click ‘Signatures’ to display the ‘Signatures and Stationery’ window.
A list of available signatures will be shown at the left hand side of this window.
- Use the ‘New messages’ drop down menu to select the signature to be used. (You may only have a choice of 1!).
Again, this needs only completed once.