What is ‘Tabbed Browsing’?
Tabbed browsing allows you to open up multiple web sites in a single browser window and switch between them by clicking the tabs at the top of the window.
The example below shows 3 tabs (Key Intranet, Mimecast Administration Console and IT Admin System).
How do I create a new tab?
Click the ‘new tab’ icon at the right hand side of the open tab.
How do I navigate between tabs?
- Click the tab representing the page you wish to view.
How do I open a link in a new tab?
- Position your cursor over the link.
Right click.
- Choose ‘Open link in new tab’.
How do I close a tab?
Click the cross in the right hand side of the tab.
How do I close more than one tab?
- Close Chrome in the normal manner by clicking in the cross in the top right hand corner.
Right click on the tab you want to remain open.
- Click ‘Close other tabs’.