What is ‘conversation mode’?
Most people prefer to have their emails displayed in date order, usually with the newest message first.
However, the default display in Outlook is ‘conversation mode’. All emails with the same subject line in the same thread, a conversation, will be grouped and shown together.
How do I disable ‘conversation mode’?
Click the ‘Outlook’ app.
Click the icon in the top left of the screen.
Click the Settings icon (the cog, at the bottom).
Scroll up and switch off ‘Organise by Thread’.
What is a ‘focused inbox’?
The default view for you inbox is using the ‘focused inbox’. Outlook then places what it considers your important emails in the ‘focused’ area and everything else in the ‘other’ area.
How do I switch off ‘focused inbox’?
Click the ‘Outlook’ app.
Click the icon in the top left of the screen.
Click the Settings icon (the cog, at the bottom).
Switch off ‘Focused Inbox’.