How do I know if Do Not Disturb (DND) is on?
On your lock screen you should see the ‘Do Not Disturb’ icon.
How do I view the DND settings?
Method One:
Swipe up from the bottom of your screen to display the control centre.
- Click on the DND button in the control centre. If DND is off this will show 'Focus'.
Click the menu bar (three dots) at ‘Do Not Disturb’.
Click ‘Settings’.
Method Two:
Open the Settings app.
Click ‘Focus’.
Click ‘Do Not Disturb’.
How do I switch off Do Not Disturb?
Method One:
Swipe up from the bottom of your screen to display the control centre.
- The ‘Focus’ section of the control centre should tell you if DND is switched on.
- Click the ‘Moon’ icon to switch it off/on.
Method Two:
- Follow the instructions in the ‘How do I view the DND settings’ section above to display the ‘DND’ settings screen.
Switch off ‘Do Not Disturb’.
Why does my phone ring for some calls and not others?
If you find that the phone rings for some contacts, not others or during a specific time, you may have some exceptions to ‘Do Not Disturb’ switched on.
Switch off ‘Do Not Disturb’ or check for exceptions:
- Follow the instructions in the ‘How do I view the DND settings’ section above to display the ‘DND’ settings screen.
Check the ‘People and ‘Apps’ sections, If anything other than ‘None’ is shown, you have exceptions.
In the example opposite, calls from the two contacts shown will cause the phone to ring even with DND switched on.
To remove these contacts or apps:
- Click the appropriate box either ‘People’ or ‘Apps’.
- Remove the contacts/Apps by either:
Clicking ‘Remove all’ or
- Clicking the ‘-’ next to each name to remove some of the contacts.
Why does it my phone not ring during certain time periods?
It is possible to have your phone automatically switch to DND during certain time periods.
- Follow the instructions in the ‘How do I view the DND settings’ section on the previous page to display the ‘DND’ settings screen.
Scroll to the ‘Turn on Automatically’ section and click on the exception time.
Click to switch the ‘Schedule’ off, or click the ‘Delete Automation’ to remove the exception completely.