What are worksheet tabs?
Worksheet tabs are found along the bottom of your workbook. They are used to switch between each of the worksheets in your workbook. The tab relating to the active worksheet (the one on display) will have its title displayed in bold text.
How do I create a new worksheet?
Click the ‘New Sheet’ button.
How do I move between worksheets?
- Click the tab relating to the worksheet you wish to view.
How do I rename a worksheet?
Double click the tab you wish to rename.
- Amend the text as necessary.
- Press <Return>.
How do I reorder my worksheets?
- Position your cursor over the tab relating to the worksheet you wish to move.
- Click and hold the left mouse button.
- Move the cursor left or right depending on where you want the worksheet to be moved to.
As you move the cursor it will change from its normal state to that of an arrow with a piece of paper. A small black arrow indicates the position of the worksheet should you release the mouse button.
- Release the mouse button.
How do I delete a worksheet?
Right click on the tab of the worksheet you wish to delete.
- Click ‘Delete’.
How do I copy a worksheet?
- Position your cursor over the tab relating to the worksheet you wish to copy.
- Click and hold the left mouse button.
- Press and hold the <Ctrl> key.
- Move the cursor left or right depending on where you want the worksheet to be copied to.
As you move the cursor it will change from its normal state to that of an arrow with a piece of paper with a plus sign.A small black arrow indicates where the sheet will be copied to when you release the mouse button.
- Release the mouse button.
What does my cursor look like?
The cursor, while over cells on your worksheet, appears as a thick plus sign.
How do I move around my worksheet?
Method One: Scrollbars
- Use the scroll bars at the right hand side and bottom on the screen to move around the worksheet.
Method Two: Keyboard
- Use the cursor keys to move in the direction indicated on the keys.
- Use the <Return> or <Enter> keys to move down a column one row at a time.
How do I select a cell?
Selecting a cell is the same as making it ‘active’.
- Move your cursor over the required cell.
- Click once to activate it and use the cell.
What does an active cell look like?
An active cell is indicated by a thick black border around the cell. The row and column header for that cell will also be shaded.
The example above illustrates B2 as the active cell.
How do I select a range of cells?
Position your cursor over the first cell required.
- Click and hold the left mouse button.
- Move your mouse to the last cell required.
All cells in between the first and last cell will be highlighted. The top left box will look like it is not selected - don’t worry - it is! - Release the mouse button.
How do I select the whole worksheet?
Click the square in the top left hand corner of the worksheet where the column and row headers meet.
Columns and row headers will be highlighted in dark green text on a light green background. Should you begin to type with all cells highlighted the text will appear in cell A1 (the unshaded cell).
How do I select one or more consecutive rows or columns?
Click the header of the first row or column you wish to select.
- Holding down the mouse button drag your cursor across all other columns/rows you wish to select.
- Release the mouse button when all required rows have been selected.
How do I select one or more non-consecutive rows or columns?
Click the header of the first row or column you wish to select.
- Press and hold <Ctrl>.
- Click once on all other rows / columns required.
- Release the <Ctrl> key.
How do I unselect a cell range?
- Click anywhere in your worksheet.