Page Setup

Page Setup

Printer Friendly Version

How do I alter the page orientation?

  1. Click the ‘Page Layout’ ribbon.
  2. Orientation button in page layout ribbonClick the ‘Orientation’ drop down menu button.
  3. Click ‘Landscape’ or ‘Portrait’.

How do I repeat my column/row titles on each page?

If your spreadsheet spans many pages when printed you may wish your headings to be displayed on every page.

  1. Click the ‘Page Layout’ ribbon.
  2. Print titles button in ribbon barClick the ‘Print Titles’ button.
    The ‘Page Setup’ dialogue box will be displayed.
  3. Page setup dialogue box, Sheet tab, rows and columns to repeat buttons highlightedClick the ‘Sheet’ tab if not already displayed.
  4. Click the ‘Cell Range’ button.
  5. Select the rows/columns to be repeated on each page.
  6. Press <Return>.
  7. Click ‘OK’

How do I alter the page margins?

  1. Click the ‘Page Layout’ ribbon.
  2. Margins button drop down menuClick the ‘Margins’ drop down menu button.
  3. Choose one of the options listed


Click ‘Custom Margins...’ and enter your own values.

How do I add headers and footers to my worksheet?

  1. Page layout buttonClick the ‘Page Layout’ button in the status bar.


  1. Header button in ribbonClick to display the ‘Insert’ ribbon.
  2. Click ‘Header and Footer’ button.


    The ‘Header and Footer Design’ ribbon will be displayed. The view of your worksheet will also change to display in ‘Page Layout’ view and you will be taken to your header as shown below.

Example of a header

  1. Enter the text and format as normal.
  2. Use the ‘Goto Header’ and ‘Goto Footer’ buttons to switch between the two.
  3. "normal layout" button in ribbonClick the ‘Normal View’ button in the status bar to return to normal view. Your header/footer will be hidden when displaying in ‘Normal’ view.