You can easily check your phone to find out what is taking up storage space on the device. It could be files you have saved, photos you’ve taken etc.
How do I find out what's taking up storage space?
Click the ‘Settings’ app.
Click ‘Storage’.
A list of usage will be displayed, grouped by category.
How do I delete ‘junk’ files?
Just like your PC, your phone collects ‘junk system’ files that it no longer needs. You can clear these quickly and easily. Sometimes, this will free up lots of space, other times, not so much!
Click the ‘Files’ app.
If any junk files are found the ‘Junk Files’ section of this window will be displayed detailing how much space is being used by ‘junk’.
- Click ‘Clean’.
How do I view the files on my phone?
Click the ‘Files’ app.
Click ‘Browse’.
Choose one of the categories listed.
How do I delete files from my phone?
Click the ‘Files’ app.
Click ‘Browse’.
Choose one of the categories listed.
All files in that category will be displayed. Now decide whether you want to delete all the files in this category or only some.
Click the menu option in the top right (the three dots).
Click ‘Select All’.
The number of files selected will be indicated in the top left of the screen. Each selected file will have a tick next to it to show that it is selected.
- Click the ‘bin’ icon.
- Confirm you wish to proceed with the deletion.
- Click and hold your finger down on the file to be deleted.
- Click on any others you wish to select. Each selected file will be indicated by a tick. Click a file to unselect it again.
- Click the ‘bin’ icon.
- Confirm you wish to proceed with the deletion.
If you wish to delete the bulk of your files in a category, consider selecting all the files then clicking on those you DONT want to delete. It might be quicker!